Being A Responsible Traveller

Responsible Traveller

At Amazing Borneo, we believe that responsible tourism is a collective effort and that our customers play an essential role in achieving sustainability. We encourage our customers to be mindful of their actions and their impact on the environment throughout their trips. By adopting the simple steps of Responsible Travel listed below, our customers can contribute to a more sustainable and responsible tourism industry.

  • Before leaving home, learn as much as possible about the countries you're visiting, including language, religion, culture, local rules, and values.
  • Before arriving, research local customs and traditions so you can talk and behave appropriately. It also helps you learn a few local phrases to show your interest in the local language.
  • Dress respectfully, considering local standards, and dress modestly at religious sites. Check the appropriate swimwear for pools and the beach.
  • Be open-minded and foster a more engaging travel experience by respecting the local cultures and traditions regardless of how different they may be from what you are used to.
  • Have no boundaries to immerse yourself in the local cultures. Part of the travel experience is an opportunity to step outside our comfort zone and experience different foods, music, and cultures. Never openly show disapproval.
  • Support local artists instead of buying tacky souvenirs made in foreign countries from vendors.
  • Support restaurants that prepare local cuisines instead of foreign food that may cater to some tourists' preferences.
  • Avoid supporting businesses catering solely to tourists, especially foreign ones, as they can take over the retail landscape and significantly impact the local community.
  • Take photos discreetly and politely ask for permission before taking a close-up portrait.
  • Be wary of giving gifts or money to beggars, children, or people you've just met. Supporting the community through a local school, clinic, or development project may be more constructive.
  • Please don't touch or step on the corals or unnecessarily stir up sediment when snorkelling or scuba diving, as it damages the reef's fragile ecosystem.
  • Stay on the marked trails when hiking to avoid harming the native fauna and flora.
  • Bring a small reusable bag while hiking to pick up any trash spotted along the way.
  • Bring a reusable bag for grocery shopping to set an example for other shoppers.
  • Visit wild animals in their natural habitat or well-managed animal sanctuaries instead of visiting animal parks where tamed wild animals are used for tourist entertainment. Avoid any wildlife tours that promise close encounters or hands-on encounters with animals.
  • Never feed wildlife for any reason, as it can make them habituated to and reliant on humans and may lead to attacks and likely the subsequent destruction of the animal.
  • Avoid buying anything made from endangered plants or animals, including anything made from unsustainable hardwood forests and ancient artefacts.
  • Before eating in restaurants, shopping in stores, or visiting local shows, markets, or zoos, think first. Avoid those that promote cruelty or exploitation of endangered species.
  • To spread the economic benefit of tourism to less popular destinations, it's best to get off the beaten tracks and away from tourist crowds.
  • Buying locally produced products is a great way to support local communities. Whether it's food, clothing, souvenirs, or arts and crafts, choosing locally-produced products over imports is highly recommended.
  • Indigenous artisans should be supported by buying directly from them. This helps them support their families and preserve their culture.
  • When visiting and taking photos of local communities, giving more than you take is essential. You can achieve this by signing up for volunteer work, sharing your culture, supporting the local economy, and demonstrating respectful behaviour.